Wednesday, March 26, 2008

.....and then there were Five!

Babies that is.......five great little goat kids. Four boys and one girl! Lark, Hawk, Raven, Falcon and Crow. Each year we try come up with a theme to name our babies that has many choices. As I'm sure you've guessed, this year it's birds. :0) We significantly reduced our goat herd last year and kept just three white does. Kidding is over for this year and all went well.
This is our friend Shane who stopped by today for a visit. She's holding all five of the little rascals! It's very hard to detain them even at this size. It never ceases to amaze me how active and curious they are at three days old.
Lark and Hawk are already trying out their acrobat routine on Mom, Lace. They are so agile and seem to have rubber legs.
The last to be born Crow, arrived early yesterday morning. I could hear him bleating from the barn while I was standing on the front porch! His Mom, Ribbon, had triplets last year. I was amazed that she only had a single this year.

This is Falcon and Raven, twin bucklings. Falcon is in the front of the photo. Their fiber doesn't seem to be as curly, the curly fiber being passed on by the angora buck, as Crow's and the first set of twins, but that may change as they get older. It is definitely soft and silky.

We will spend as much time as we can with them now, letting them get to know us, playing and snuggling with them. :0) Generally, our babies love people and attention and make the transition easily when they eventually have to go to their new homes.


threecollie said...

I love the curly hair! Just beautiful!

Kelly said...

Hi Debi! They look great. I can't wait to snuggle with them. Kelly