These goats are experts at spitting out babies - as Tom went about morning chores, he would pop his head in around the door to check on her as he suspected she was in labor. One minute she was still pregnant, the next time he looked, she had delivered the baby! All was fine and he was relieved. This was his first time "on duty" alone with the pregnant Mama's. He did great :)
She's naturally curious and is very interested in people. She loves attention already and trots over to the fence whenever we go into the goat barn. Of course, we pick her up for a cuddle every chance we get. Who could resist that face?
We are STILL waiting for poor, supersized Lace to deliver her bundles. There just has to be more than one in there! She looks very close - but I thought that yesterday as well and nothing.....stay tuned :)
I love goats, we don't have ours anymore, I did get to help deliver on, only problem was she was under a big truck and I had to lay on the ground to help her. Your new ruby is adorable
Ruby is precious! I'm glad her delivery went well.
Ruby is darling! Congrats!
Ruby is one "Drop Dead GORGEOUS" goat baby!! Absolutely stunning!
Poor Lace.....
Darling baby...and oh my! Come Lacie, You will feel ever so much better.
Then again my husband's mother said they were easier to take care on the inside.
Ruby is a cutie! I love her face.
Poor Lace. I hope she has those 2 or 3 babies soon. I'm with you, there has to be more than one in there!
Have a great day.
Ruby is flat out adorable and looks very friendly on top of it. Poor lace looks just enormous! I'm amazed she can get around. I'll bet it is quite a sight to see her get up after getting down.
such pretty coloring. can't wait for my brother to get the web so I can share this with him.
What a beautiful baby. She sure is a gem!!!!
That must have been something - delivering a goat under a truck! Glad you could help her.
Thanks for visiting - I hope you come back often :)
Thank you :)
Thanks - we think we will keep her :)
Nancy K,
Thanks you - Poor Lace is still prego - maybe today. I swear I hurt for her!
Lace doens't seem to be in any distress. She eat's and lays there are chews her cud and just goes about her business although I did notice she's rather crabby at Ruby and Diamond so they stay away from here. I try to tell her she'll feel better gettin' those kids out of there! :)
Thank you :) I'm always excited when I get a pygora with that two colored V marking on their face. It normally doesn't fade either. She's fun for sure - already putting Diamond around the pen :)
Thank you :) It is funny to watch Lace get up and down. When she squats(sp?) to pee, it looks like she setting right on the ground! Not sure about her, but I'll de darn glad when she deliveres those babies!
Jody Blue,
Thank you :) I've had babies with these markings before but not as prominent as Ruby's are. You just never know what you are going to get :)
Thank you :) We all love baby goats, it would be pretty hard to find one that I didn't think was cute :)
Thanks for visiting everyone. Have a great weekend ~
I really feel for poor Lace. I think that's what I must have looked like! The new little one is adorable.
Poor Lace! I hope there aren't MORE than 3 in there!
oooh! She is adorable!
And poor Lace is breaking my heart! She must be so uncomfortable!
Your Boston trip sounded awesome! I can see why you've spent 18 years with the guy!
Thanks Deb for stopping by. I added you to my giveaway list.
Anything yet from Lace?
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