A quick update on Jan......
All was normal when we went to the barn this morning for chores. It was snowing lightly and rather damp so I decided to leave her in her cushy box stall with plenty of nice hay and tepid water to drink. She didn't complain like she normally would so I assumed today was the day. I went out to check her at 10 am and she was lying down, chewing her cud. At noon the snow had stopped and the temp was about 35 and she hadn't progressed at all so I decided to let her out. The cow tub is heated and she drinks better outside. I thought perhaps a little exercise might move things along also.
Nope......3 p.m. and she STILL has her head in the bale feeder, stuffing her face. She had worked on the salt lick and had a nice drink. At 5 she came in to the barn, had her grain and went into her nice clean, stall and is now lying down, chewing her cud again. She is really bagged up, dilated and enormous.....It's hard to believe she won't have this calf soon.
I'll check her again before I go to bed and then she's on her own until morning. She probably prefers that anyway :)
The wait continues..................
Post Card From The Trail
11 minutes ago
I keep checking, I hope she can't tell... :)
We have another couple weeks before our start calving and I am treasuring every day with out barn duty. Hang in there.
A new baby..... I can hardly wait!
It will be here before you know it.
Hope all goes well.
Have a great day.
Come on Jan..a healthy heifer! :)
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