Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Squirt & Company
We have taken full advantage of the nice weather. We hauled round baled hay for the cows and today we will refill the sawdust bin. The hen house has been cleaned and the hens are enjoying fresh shavings. They appear to be a happy bunch and the following was my reward at the end of the day.
I have five nest boxes in my hen house and 24 hens insist on laying in two boxes. I picked up 20 eggs yesterday. Not bad for beginners :)
With all the snowmelt we have ice everywhere. I haven't let Squirt out of the barn in the backyard for fear that she would slip and hurt herself. She's growing like a weed.
She loves people already and loves to have her chin scratched. She looks forward to the one on one time she gets when Jan is in the milking stall. Of course, who can resist that face ?
Remember when I posted that I wished Santa would bring me a bull? Well...............I did get my wish - sort of...
This is Gus - he is a Holstein bull calf that we picked up yesterday. Isn't he adorable? :) Jan is producing a lot of milk. Even though Squirt is still with her and eats whenever she wants, we simply cannot use all her milk. We have all we want, I skim for butter and I have milk customers but I'm still throwing out milk. I decided I could raise another calf with the extra milk instead of throwing it out. I just hate waste and I also love cows :)
Gus will be a week old tomorrow. He's been with his mother but he nursed from a bottle last night without a problem. He'll be a good companion for Squirt.
Winter is back this morning. An inch of snow on the ground when I let the dog out and very windy. They are predicting a few inches today and half a foot tomorrow. We enjoyed the early "January thaw" but knew it wouldn't last. Now it's back to reality.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Farming resumes..........
As I prepared for the holidays, shopping and finishing up hand made gifts, minor farm chores were put on the back burner. Now it's time to get them done and get back on track. Of course, mother nature is planning on dumping more snow on us Wednesday and potentially a big storm on Saturday so we are preparing for that as well. It does feel good to back into a routine.
I'm squeezing in a little playtime as well. My very generous family gifted me with this fabulous camera for Christmas. It is a Canon Rebel. I was absolutely blown away when I opened it Christmas morning!! Never in my wildest dreams did I expect this.........I had hoped to upgrade my little digital at some point as I've had it many years and it has some quirks but certainly not to this. I've only skimmed the instruction manual. Holy cow - I need a college course to learn to use it. I would greatly appreciate any advise, tips, etc., on the use of this incredible camera. I'm so excited to start taking photos and to learn what I can do with it. Lambing season starts in just a few months :) Baby photos!
Friday, December 26, 2008
~ The day after...............
Ours was magical, as always. Family and friends, way too much food and the generosity of others that never ceases to humble me. I am so greatful for the many blessings that I and my family receive every day of the year.
Today was a fairly quiet day. I swear I could have stayed in bed until noon. I've been bugged with a headache and just feel pokey but we went to the feed store after morning chores for a few items and went into town to take care of a few things. I'll explain more about that tomorrow :) Santa was very good to me!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
~ A White Christmas ~
Saturday, December 20, 2008
~Proud Parents ~
Friday, December 19, 2008
~ A picture meme ~
I have to go into Portland today, service the tractor and get the snowblower attachment put on before another six inches of snow arrives. Not going to have much time for anything else today.
The directions were to go to the 6th file in your pictures folder, choose the 6th photo and share the story about it. Tag 5 friends, notify them on their blogs that they have been tagged for this meme. It would be impossible for me to tag just five! If you would like to play along, please do :)
This is my beautiful Christmas amaryllis. It's the quickest growing amaryllis I have ever had. Only two blooms on this one but lovely none the less. I grow one every year and I'm never disappointed. I love the rich, red color although in previous years I've grown a pink and also a white with red stripes. All are gorgeous in my book.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
~ Christmas favorites...........
It's so much fun to carefully unwrap all the special ornaments each year, admiring them again as if they are new and hanging them on the tree :)
Speaking of ornaments, I'm wondering if any of my blog readers would be interested in an ornament swap? I've participated before and it's great fun to receive an ornament in the mail from a different part of the country from a new "friend". I was thinking we could have the date for receipt after the holidays, such as January 15th or later if it's more convenient. If any one has any interest, drop me an email at tylerfarm@pivot.net with ornament in the subject line. I would love it - it's great fun :)
~ Happy Holidays ~
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
~ Amazing Milk ~
I have several butter customers and milk customers who buy whole and skim. Even so, there is always milk left over. I've been keeping my eye out for another calf to purchase to feed the excess milk to but have found nothing so far. Perhaps Santa will bring me one :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A picture perfect day ~
Shane (orange jacket) and her roommate Meg, came out to get their christmas tree today. Tyler and I joined them on their trek along with Banjo and Shane's new dog, Poppy. We had a lovely walk and the girls picked out two cute trees, one for their apartment and one for Shane's parents home. The balsam trees smell so good right now -
Our little "Squirt McGert" is growing like a weed. She met Banjo for the first time yesterday and had her first adventure just outside the back doors of the barn while Mom had a drink in the big cow tub. She's such a sweetheart and so much fun to watch. She ran and jumped and kicked up her heels in the alley of the barn. She really likes it when we clean her stall as Mom is being milked. She has the entire 10x10 room to herself and doesn't she race around :)
Tomorrow is supposed to be 50 degrees. If it's not raining I'll let her out in the back barnyard with Jan for a little while. Jan is giving a ton of milk and tomorrow I'll keep milk for the house. It will be sooooo wonderful to have fresh milk instead of buying it from the store. I am thoroughly enjoying milking again and will be making butter by wednesday. Christmas definitely came early for me!
~ wishing you all a relaxing sunday~