We have been having a beautiful streak of weather here in the Northeast. Balmy days of blue skies, sunshine and temps in the 40's. Mud has appeared which is always a sure sign of spring. We had a small snowstorm a few days ago but that's it for an entire month! I'm ready for dirt and gardens and babies :)
My cousin Jacob is visiting us while on break from school this week. He is here as often as he can be on school vacations and usually helps with the baby lambs on April vacation. We bred earlier this year and he was bummed that the lambs would all be here before he returns. No baby animals for Jake this year - or so he thought :)

By the time I got out to the barn, both babies were up, dry and nursing. Mama goats are the best. I was so happy that we had babies for Jacob. He's been coming here for 13 years and hasn't once missed a baby season. We didn't want this to be the first.


"Beetle Bailey"
We decided on cartoon characters for our name theme for the goats this year. Lace looks to be next. I'd like twin doelings this time. Stay tuned...........
OMG! In love with Sarge's coloring! Super cute! :) Congrats
The babies are so cute! I love the black one also.
As for weather, keep you eyes to the sky's, we are in for a snowy week!
Those two are about the two cutest little kids I remember seeing. Such sweet faces and those curls!
What cute lil babies!
Those are just darling!!! How is it possible something could be so adorable?? Gorgeous babies..Congrats
Very cute !! We could sure use some spring around here, I've got fences to build.
Awww...they are so cute! Glad you had such timely little ones.
I want a pygora so bad! I'm getting one this year somehow.
Thanks - I'm always surprised when I get a black baby :)
Thanks for the heads up - I see the mess coming our way!
They are absolutely huggable :)
Country Whispers,
Thank you :)
Thanks - this is one of my favorite times of the year :)
Craig -
We could all use spring - I hope better weather heads your way.
Thanks - they are just about as cute as your new calf :)
I hope you get your pygora this year :) You will love them.
They are just adorable, and how wonderful that Jacob was there when they were born !
What beautiful and darling little kids! I love thier curls!
And that Jacob got to have the baby experience one more time.
You sure do now how to raise them! They are just adorable babies! We haven't hit 40's yet but it has been above freezing which is nice!
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