The above photo is our local radar as of 6 am. WE are praying that all the rain in the west continues to come east. We are located in the lower part of the state of Maine. Keep your fingers crossed for us!
Have a great weekend everyone :)
My nephew worked on the winter wood pile and the kindling and dry soft wood is piling up nicely in the woodshed. We have an old fashioned cook stove in the dining room with a rocker on each side . A great place to warm up on cold, wintry days. We will put up about 4 cords of hard wood along with the soft wood for the upcoming winter. We run the wood stove everyday in the winter and limit the amount of time the oil furnace runs. Everyone has the same concerns, especially with oil prices nearing $4.20 per gallon. I know I'm very worried about my friends and neighbors getting by this winter. I would expect most eveyrone else is too. If not, they should be.
Tom's 1st Duckling
Hummingbird Feeder/Gift from Tyler
I received this beautiful hummingbird feeder as a christmas gift from my youngest son. It hangs on the front porch directly in front of the window over my kitchen sink. It's amazing to watch several hummingbirds at a time feed from this feeder. They are such amazing little creatures. We also purchased an Oriole feeder which also hangs on the front porch. The Orioles first tried the hummingbird feeder. It was funny to see them suspended by their feet, trying to fit their beaks in the small ports. Didn't take them long to figure out they weren't going to get anything to eat. They drain the Oriole feeder quickly.
New Oriole feeder
Finished project!
I finally finished a knitted project. These socks are for a childhood friend of mine. They are made from our finn wool that I dyed last fall. I'm hoping they will keep her feet nice and cozy this coming winter.
Have a great day!!!
Potted Plant (left side of the barn)
We have been plugging along on spring projects. It's a tradition to hang beautiful potted plants on the front of the barn. Normally Mom and I shop together but this year she wasn't up to it. It wasn't the same but I did enjoy my day at the local Frugal Farmer nursery where I get my bedding plants and hanging pots. We managed to get a few more items in the gardens and spring clean up continues. Ferilizing and seeding grass pastures and cleaning out sheep sheds. We have even managed to get the rams sheared.
We've had very little rain and it's very dry again. We have been moving the sheep around, letting them eat the grass instead of mowing. Saves hay and keeps the dust down from running the mower.
Small flock mowing the grass
The lambs are growing rapidly. It's so much fun watching them jumping and running while their Mom's are enjoying the green grass. They are more daring now and leave the ewes for longer periods of time. Some are very friendly and come running when we go in the pasture. Folks have been coming to the farm to pick out the ones they want. It's always bittersweet when they go to their new homes but I'm always happy when I don't have so many to feed! We are all concerned about the price of hay this year due to the price of fuel. Normally our two large loads of square bales come from Canada. Not sure if that is going to happen or not. We feed lots of round bales as well and buy those locally so expect the price and availability will stay the same.
It's looking to be another beautiful day here - time to get busy!
I hope everyone had a Happy Mother's day! My family and I planted a Purple Prince Crabapple tree in the yard next to our new home. I know it will be beautiful for many years to come. We did take a couple of hours off enjoyed a great lunch prepared by our oldest son. My nephew is living with us and we were all together including my Mom. A great day and and as always, a reminder of how much I have to be thankful for.
Jake & Penelope
We have started planting the gardens. I love to get in the dirt and was surprised at how warm the soil is after all the rain we've had. We put in 40 broccoli plants and 24 cabbage plants the other day. We are waiting on sweet potato plants and will plant greens and radishes tomorrow, time permitting. Our seed order from Gurneys should arrive any day. It's like Christmas for me when that box arrives!
We are shearing sheep and trying to get them all done before we get into the gardens full time. I think there are about 20 or so left out of 40. I did 6 this morning. If I could do that every morning, we'd be done quickly but some days my back complains loudly and I don't shear any. All in good time :0)