Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Quick "Hello"
Monday, June 22, 2009
Busy weekend ~
We spent most of the weekend working on the farm shop. Both entrances have a new porch/landing. Steve put up these great track lights in the center of the ceiling and we bought a ceiling fan/light to install over the new glass display case that was given to us by a friend of Steve's. Mom and I washed all the windows inside and cleaned the screens. Cleaned up the cabinets and the base of an old Hoosier cabinet that Steve brought home for me.
School is out for the summer. Tyler has a buddy staying with us for a few day and my cousin, Jacob is here for the week. I needed to go to the store to pick up a few extra things and while shopping, I found these great baskets. Aren't they adorable? I purchased two for the shop.
With the additional man power I have here this week we are going to move my big blanket loom and a few other items out of the attic and into the farm shop. I have several other projects in mind that we can get done if the forecast of sunshine proves true. These young lads will do anything for my Mom's chocolate cake!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Father's Day Thank you........

"Happy Father's Day Dad"
This good looking guy is my Dad. We all have homes here on the farm but Dad spends his spring, summer & fall giving horse drawn carriage tours on Mt. Desert Island in Acadia National Park here in Maine. My Dad has been a cowboy long before I was born. He was born in a lumber camp and was driving team, hauling logs when he was 11 years old. He has a natural way with horses that is a rare gift. He taught my brother & I to ride before we could hardly walk. We always had a large selection of horses to choose from and always had friends around to ride with on the weekends. Dad spent alot of time with us as kids and taught us all the right things about being good horseman as well as good people. I miss him when he's gone but I know he's doing what he loves and that's what is important in life :)
Happy Father's Day to all the great "Dad's" in your life.
Friday, June 19, 2009
View out my window..........
Our property sets on an 8000 acre aqua fir (underground lake). Water is plentiful as we have many natural springs on the farm as does our neighbor next to us. The chance of us running out of water is slim but the natural water table does diminish when we have an extreme dry spell. We do not take this natural water source for granted and conserve water wherever we can. As much as I would much prefer to be outside working today, I'm not going to whine about the rain. It's truly a gift that we always seem to appreciate more when we don't get any.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Gardening progress.....
Linda from Life on a Colorado Farm sent me four varieties of Heirloom been seeds. As the photo shows, all the seed germinated and we anticipate a bumper crop of beans! Thank you Linda :)
Broccoli, cabbages, peppers and celery are all doing great. Unfortunately our potato experiment was not a success. As I posted earlier, we planted our potatoes in holes that we planned on filling in as the potato plant grew up through. Due to the all the rain and cold, damp weather, our seed potato rotted in the holes. Thankfully, we can start over so we will shallow till that area tomorrow and plant the potatoes in our regular trenches this time and pray for better luck. We also staggered our planting of some crops and it's time to re-plant a few more things such as green beans and cucumber.
Hope all your gardens are flourishing - thanks for stopping to visit with us at Tylerfarm :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Forever Friends -
Around the farm..............
We started putting in new hay which is great! I just love that smell and I love to fill the barn. It's a great feeling, knowing we are well supplied for feed to get us through our long, cold winters.
The gardens are growing nicely, especially with all of the gentle, steady rain we've been receiving. It's still raining - it could stop anytime now but we cannot control the weather :) We try to practice succession planting so crops are not ready to harvest at the same time. We should be planting again next week but will have to watch the soil. With all this rain and more to come, seed will rot if our soil is saturated. A day or two of sun and warm temps would provide ideal planting conditions and vegetables would sprout like crazy.
-The moat from the house to the barn -
The ewes that we purposely bred have all lambed. We had one yearling that we suspected might have gotten bred "accidentally". Sure enough, Emma delivered this delightful, tiny ewe lamb, "Audrey Hepburn" early Wednesday evening. She's a sweetie already and we know we will be keeping. I really needed another white ewe and those tight, crimpy curls sealed the deal :).
Our kittens, Jinx and Jade are getting bigger and learning to eat solid food. It's been fun bottle feeding them but they are ready to become more independent. Jinx is the playful, less patient one where Jade is sweet and loving and happy to curl up in your lap and purrrrrr. We are enjoying having kitties in the house again. Danny really likes them as well. They crawl all over him and he's so gentle with them.
~ Have a great day ~
Friday, June 5, 2009
One more project completed..........
I feel like an enormous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. All three of our vegetable gardens are planted! We planted the usual - peppers, tomatoes, cukes, summer squash & zucchini, green beans, carrots, spinach, etc. I also tried a few new things. This is my first year for banana peppers. I love them on sandwiches - I hope they do well in our soil. Also fellow blogger Linda @ Life on a Colorado Farm graciously sent me four different types of dry bean seeds. One variety is" called Linda Sisco" - this seed originally traveled by covered wagon to Missouri around 1880. How cool is that?! Another variety was black turtle beans. I love to make bean soup - I hope these all do well. Thank you so much Linda :) I also planted turnips, huge pumpkins and basil from seed.
The boys wanted cantaloupe and watermelon so we planted a package of each and tons of sunflowers in the gourd garden. Now we pray for the right amount of heat, rain and good luck that it takes for the gardens to thrive :)
Another of my favorite flowers - the columbine. My variety happens to be purple. I guess It's obvious that I really like the color purple :) These surround my lilac tree and bloom just as the lilacs are going by. They are really lovely.
Off to a memorial service tomorrow for a great lady - my Mom's best friend for over 40 years. Definitely a relationship that epitomized what true friendship was all about. It will be a celebration of her life and we all have plenty to celebrate.
~Have a great weekend everyone ~
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A Chicken experiment.............
When we went to the chicken house this morning to do chores, we discovered that the nest box full of guinea eggs weren't eggs anymore~ they hatched! Meet Miranda's new family -
Aren't they just the cutest? She now has 9 guinea keets to raise and is doing a fabulous job. She's already teaching them how to peck around and eat chicken feed. It's amazing to watch her. She is one happy chicken :)
I'm thinking now I need to find a new rooster. We could certainly raise our own replacement hens instead of buying them from the hatchery. Besides, it's fun to have baby chickens around :)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
June 1 so the calendar tells us....
I want to share my June calendar page with you all as it just cracked me up. Warning: it is a very male bashing calendar and I am not a male species basher and do not want my male visitors to be offended. It's all in good fun. The calendar is "Chicks Rule" I live in a house FILLED with testosterone. I am the lone female amongst men, boys, their buddies, male dogs, etc. I'm thinking my men were humoring me at Christmas when they gifted me with it but I sure do get a chuckle out of it.
June 2009
I can just picture myself at age 11 saying something like this to a boy. I mean, didn't we all think boys are dumb when we're 11?
Hope it made you smile today!