It's crazy busy here in a good way. The weather is finally moderating and things are greening up. The sheep are getting a few minutes of grass each day and they so enjoy that. I love to watch them out with their little ones. We've been fencing and cleaning and tilling and sprucing up the place. I'll post more about that later on. Today I'll introduce you to our lambs we've had so far. Four ewes have lambed, three more ewes still to go.

This is my 2
nd cousin, Jacob who is visiting for a weeks vacation. He brought his four sheep with him and we will shear them tomorrow. He loves the lambs and all the animals and has been staying with us on holidays since he was a little boy :) He's holding one of our first lambs, Bailey.
She's a sweet little ewe and a beautiful moorit and appears she will stay that way.
This is her twin, Barnum. He is darker in color but has the orange pigment around his eyes and I believe he will lighten up as he gets older.

This leggy little fellow is
Tylerfarm's Errol Flynn. He was the second lamb born this year. He is a
Coopworth/Finn cross. I was so hoping for twins which the ewe gave us last year but I am very happy with this guy.

This spotted little guy is Tylerfarm's Clark Gable. He is Shetland/Finn cross. The ewe is a white, 1/2 Shetland, 1/2 Finn. Ram is moorit Shetland. Aren't these markings wild? He's curious and sweet natured. 
He's very happy to pose for the camera! What color will he be when he's an adult, anyone dare to guess?

.....and the latest additions are Tylerfarm's Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Shetland ram and ewe lamb born to a black ewe and a moorit ram. This little ram lamb is definitely black with the greatest white head markings - see photo below.

The little ewe appears white but she actually has tan markings on her legs and faint tan markings on her head. Now we wait impatiently for the next round.............
Life is good! Hope it's a sunny day where you are :)