The past four days have been busy for all of us. The kids had Friday off as well as today and Steve was home Friday. We completed several more tasks that needed finishing before cold weather. Steve built a new door for the chicken house on Saturday. The old door had completely fallen apart awhile back and we just hadn't found the time to replace it. This new one should last a good, long while. The boys worked on replacing fence posts and Mom and I shelled black beans while the shop was open. The boys also worked on the wood pile and put a good portion of dry wood left over from last year on the front porch. I've had a fire the last two mornings. We have had below freezing temps overnight and that morning smudge warms the house up quickly.
The lambs have more than adequate shelter but they prefer to sleep outside. As you can see, little Sugar on the end spent the night outside as she's covered with frost.

Sunday three of us went for hay while Steve and the boys went scouting for deer and a place to put up their tree stands. Tyler passed his hunter/safety course and is very excited to hunt with the crew this year. We had four nice doe pass across the pasture on Saturday. That was very encouraging for the hunters :) They found two nice buck rubs and moose tracks. That really excited Tyler. It would be so cool for him to get a deer his first time out.
We delivered our pigs to the butcher on Sunday afternoon. I enjoy raising them but I'm always glad when it's time for them to go. Loading them was a breeze and unloading them as well. I pick them up all cut and wrapped on Tuesday. The smoked meat will be ready in about a month. Everyone is anxious for fresh sausage and bacon. I'll have happy customers this week :)
The rest of the week we will be doing our fall shearing as long as the weather holds. The weatherman said snow showers here and there. That could change our plans. Our new pup, Otis, is growing quickly and already loves to help move the sheep and goats along. The adult ewes will just stare at him and stomp their feet. He doesn't back down but he's not ready to take them head on just yet either :) He's a real sweetheart and we couldn't be happier with him.

I'm glad that Otis is working out well for you. English Shepherds really are awesome dogs. Bella's even totally trustworthy with my chickens!
You have been busy (as usual). Been chilly here, but hasn't dropped below freezing yet.
I never knew how busy autumn time could be until I moved to the country and started gardening and raising animals. As always I enjoy reading about your homestead and all its doings. I am thinking Otis is way too cute.....does he perhaps know this too?LOL
That is just the sweetest pic of Otis......I love how the one ear cocks down.
Burrrr, looks cold! It is only supposed to be in the low 50's this week and down in the 30's at night also! Yuck.
Oh, I forgot to say he is just adorable! Those piggies are going to be awful good. Take care! Hope you get ready for the winter! We still have soooo much to do as I am sure everyone has!:)
The pigs looked fantastic! Otis adorable. I'm catching up on a month's worth of entries today starting with this one and it made me smile!
Fall is such a busy time. I was always ready for the 'ride to the butchers' but boy did I hate loading the hogs. It is the truth---if a pig wants to go someplace, it's going to go there. I'm glad it was a breeze for you!
Otis is very cute and I liked the picture of the sheep with the frost. I always find it funny when we provide shelter and they would still rather sleep outside lol.
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