The rain has stopped for the time being - 2 days the grass has grown. Everything is green and smells great. We actually had to mow the lawn and the sheep and lambs are enjoying grazing the lush pastures.
We've been cleaning the upstairs of barn, preparing for the upcoming hay season. We found these two little treasures.
This is Jinx and Jade. We couldn't determine where their Mom was and after a few minutes of deciding what to do, Tom and I decided to bring them in the house. We lost our house cat last fall and really miss him. These little gals will be loved and happy and we will really enjoy having a cat in the house again. I'm not sure how old they are so we are bottle feeding them kitty formula and also giving them kitten food. They are learning to use the litter box and starting to play with toys.

Jade, on the right is the most
adventurous and likes to play more than Jinx. They sleep through the night, and are very eager to eat when they do wake up. The help hold the bottle with their front paws while they nurse. It's just the cutest.
Below is my Hoya plant, also called a Rope plant. I've had this plant many years and occasionally, if I place the plant in exactly the right spot, it will blossom.

It has been in my dining room windows for two years now - actually I put it there when we moved into the new house. Last week I noticed it was starting to bud. Yesterday one cluster of blossoms
opened. There will be three clusters of blossoms this time around. Aren't they gorgeous?

The blossoms smell wonderful but only emit a fragrance at night. Not sure why that is but that's they way they are. It's a climber as you see from the first photo. It's
climbing up my basswood blinds. Obviously it likes this spot - I'm not moving it!
Off to make macaroni salad for guests coming to
bbq tonight. Have a great weekend everyone :)